Highlight Drill Holes - 4 parallel Veins
86-5 1.7 meters 11.31 g/t Au, 16.11 g/t Ag 86-8 1.5 meters 5.83 g/t Au, 5.83 g/t Ag 86-12 1.5 meters 9.26 g/t Au, 7.54 g/t Ag 87-3 2.3 meters 8.74 g/t Au, 13.34 g/t Ag,
87-4 2.0 meters 9.36 g/t Au
92-31 1.03 meters 25.1 g/t Au
92-41 1.3 meters 14.0 g/t Au
10-02 1.7 meters 10.0 g/t Au
11-17 1.5 meters 45.0 g/t Au
Shaft Vein 1.5 meters 8.85 g/t Au
Wildcat Vein 1.14 meters 12.07 g/t Au
91-16 63 meters .95 g/t Au
The 2010-2011 drilling program encountered several significant intersections that included hole 10WR02, which yielded 9.57 g/t Au and 0.21% Cu over 1.7 m, including a single high grade sample of 22.06 g/t Au, 7.8 g/t Ag and 0.58% Cu over 0.5 m core length within the Wild Rose vein system.
Hole 11WR17 intersected 216.5 m of 0.11 g/t Au and 0.98 g/t Ag, including 1.5 m of 43.64 g/t Au and 3.1 g/t Ag.
All of these intersections are extensions of the Wildrose Vein system which brings the strike length to 750 M and still open at depth and strike. It is a very consistant vein system of minimum 3 veins , 1-2 meters wide and averaging over .30 Au/opt (10gm AU/T)