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Mineworks Ventures Inc.
Mineworks is a private company with a portfolio of mining projects, properties, JV's and NSR's operating under a prospect generator model. Our strategy and philosophy is to build over the long term a portfolio of quality projects with diversification and the potential for world class discovery for our investors and partners. We have held projects for decades and will continue to as we look for the right timing and opportunities. We have no debt and and all of our mineral titles are covered for the long term, so we can be patient which is an important ingredient for success in the mining business. Mineworks has projects that are not published but are available for the right situation and partners. The 2 principals of Mineworks have over 95 combined years in the mining business and this has been focused mainly on the Greenwood Camp.
Over the past 40+ years we have staked and assembled over 1 million acres of mining claims covering over 1200 prospects.
Over 3000 reports and extensive data has been distilled into our GIS and portfolio of 25 active projects which are either owned by Mineworks or are held by others while we retain an interest (carried interest,minority share,NSR). In recent years over $12 million has been spent acquiring, developing,researching and exploring the mining portfolio of Mineworks Ventures Inc.
The Royal Attwood is our flagship property with the serious potential to be the next million oz discovery in the boundary district. There is no other property with such compelling results in the region and is ready for an aggressive drill program year round. Its location in the Republic Graben and the many nearby discoveries on both sides of the border make this a very exciting project.
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